This is going to be a quick post, but I wanted to let everyone know that Peter seems to be back to normal - FINALLY!!! This stomach virus gave us quite a scare with him. It was long (well over a week) and he came very close to being dehydrated. Peter also had two blue/purple spells, which was the greatest concern. We think that these were related to dehydration and/or fever chills or just a phase of the virus itself, but nonetheless concerning. Blue/purple is not a shade we EVER want to see on Peter - or anyone else for that matter.
Peter's appetite has returned with far more force than it was before he got sick, which is a great cause for praise. I hope it stays that way. If he continues to eat like this, it won't take any time for him to put the weight back on that he's lost over the last 10 days.
Thank you all for your prayers for Peter (and us). We know we were all on many prayer lists on Sunday. We are so thankful to have our healthy, pink and silly Peter back:) We are also very thankful that neither Tom or I caught this ugly bug (at least so far).