Saturday, October 23, 2010

Family Day

We had a fun, family day today. We took the kids out to Reed Gold Mine and had a picnic lunch. The weather was absolutely perfect - the kind where you can wear short sleeves or long sleeves and you're comfortable.

We did A LOT of walking and wore Peter out!

We has such a good time together. We didn't want it to end.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Sweet Siblings

Alana is Peter's hero and best friend in the whole world!

Peter has been very into this hat lately.
Alana thinks he looks like a "dude."

Wednesday, October 6, 2010


Thank you all for your prayers. My dad got out of surgery a few hours ago and did fine. I talked with both him and my mom a little while ago. The Dr. said they will send off the prostate and lymph nodes for further extensive diagnosis to see if he will need further treatment. Please continue to pray for my dad as he recovers. He is in A LOT of pain right now.

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Prayer Request

Many of you may already know that my dad was diagnosed with prostate cancer a few weeks ago. He had a couple of other scans done after the initial diagnosis to see if the cancer had spread and all indications are it has remained contained in the prostate - Praise the Lord! My dad will be having surgery tomorrow to remove the prostate and lymph nodes. The cancer had so saturated the area that the Dr. wanted to do the radical surgery.

Please keep my dad (and mom) in your prayers tomorrow, as well as the doctors and medical staff that will be caring for him.

I will post an update as soon as I can tomorrow.
