Thursday, August 25, 2011

Potty Training and Isaac's Stats

This is where I have been spending my week. Never have I spent so much time looking at this commode.

I was planning on starting potty training after Labor Day weekend, but Peter just seemed so ready and I thought there was no time like the present. Also, since Alana and I are easing into the school year, I figured we'd get the first two weeks of potty training under our belts before school really starts full-time.

Peter has really done pretty well. The first day was rough - lots of accidents and I had a meltdown. I seriously considered giving up until later, but I knew that would probably do far more harm than good. I got a good night's sleep and faced the commode again on Tuesday. He did somewhat better, but still a lot of accidents. However, by Wednesday, I could really tell he was getting the hang of it. Only two accidents the whole day. And today, he's only had one so far. I think that's really good. One thing I can tell is that he tends to have accidents after lunch and before naptime. I'm guessing that's probably because Peter's usually VERY tired and losing concentration. We haven't had any success with #2 yet, but my initial goal is to get #1 down before we really focus on that - maybe next week. I'm exhausted.

I took Isaac to the Dr. for his 2-month well check today. The Dr. confirmed our analysis that he is truly a big baby. He weighs 13 lbs. 1 oz. and is 25 & 1/4 in. He is in the 90th percentile! The Dr. said he is a hunk of burnin love:)

Here's Isaac getting some big-sister comfort after his trip to the Dr.

Happy back to school!

Friday, August 19, 2011

Summer Recap

I'm grieving the fact that summer is pretty much over for the Ellsworth family. This is highly unusual for me. I am not a fan of hot weather and lack of daily routine (all components of summer), so I'm usually ready for summer to be over by about the fourth of July. One month of summer is enough for me and I'm ready for fall and back to school. However, this year is different. This has been the best summer I've ever had. Not because of any exotic vacations. Not because of long days at the pool (we only swam about a half dozen times this year). Not even because Tom has been home (one of the normal high-points of summer for me).

But because of this little guy and his brother and sister (and their daddy too).

I was fully prepared for this summer to be hard with the adjustment of a new baby. And it has been in some ways. However, for the most part, it has been pure delight. This summer has been filled with lots of baby kisses and cuddles, movies, games and just good family time together at home.

I always feel like my kids do more growing (physically as well as every other way) more in the summer than in the 9 months of the school year. I'm not sure why. Maybe because they spend a lot of time outdoors in the sun and getting exercise. I think also they spend less time fighting off the cold and flu viruses of the school season. It just seems like they change so much from the end of school to the beginning of the next year. Because of that, I thought I would record some of the changes I've seen this summer in the my three little blessings.


Isaac is obvious. He went from being in-utero to born into the world. He has grown TREMENDOUSLY! He goes for his 2-month well check next week so I'll have exact stats then, but we've weighed him on our scales at home and we think he's around 12-13 pounds. That means he's gained about 4 pounds this summer. Also, Isaac went from newborn to baby - and by that I mean he learned to eat (really well), sleep (3 good naps and through the night solid) and interact with his loved ones (smile, coo and laugh). Isaac is an extremely easy, contented baby and seems to have a very teachable spirit, which is something I pray to develop in all my children. He has entered our family with ease and joy and adapted completely.


I thought this would be a hard summer for Peter. I was so sure that he would have such a hard time learning to share my attention with a baby brother, but I was wrong. My little tender-hearted boy fell in love with Isaac from the very first moment he met him and has loved him ever since. In the next few months, we will start putting Isaac in his crib in the room with Peter at night and I have no doubt Peter will be thrilled.

Peter has grown a lot in his communication skills. When Peter began talking, he quickly developed his own language. We dubbed it "Peterese." At first it was funny, but then we were concerned that he might have a developmental delay and need speech therapy. We have to alway remember that there were 30 minutes of his life where we do not know how much oxygen was delivered to his brain during cardiac arrest. However, as we learned his language, we realized that his words were not abstract babbling, but very specific things that made sense to him based on what he was learning. For instance, car was "bunda" (with a long "u"), a variation of "vroom, vroom." Food was "umda" (again with a long "u"), because we always emphasized "mmm, this is good" at mealtimes to encourage him to eat. As cute as this was, we couldn't let him continue speaking his own language if we wanted him to ever function with other people and especially with other children. We have really stepped up our expectations for words - like not giving him what he wants until he says the right word - and Peter has done well. This is still a work in progress, but at least Peter is speaking far more English than Peterese. What can we say? Our son is bilingual:)

Peter's play habits have also matured. He is much more imaginative in his play - talking to his toys and having them talk to each other. He loves books (which also helps his communication skills). Peter is learning to like puzzles and I plan on doing a lot of those during homeschool this year.

One of the biggest changes we've seen in Peter is an association with family worship, church, prayer, the Bible and God. We are so thrilled that he recognizes these things and that they are important. We need to get him a children's picture Bible because he's been carrying around a copy of "Grimms Fairy Tales" and calling it his Bible (because it's big and heavy and dark-colored). He lugs this big thing to family worship at night and opens it up just like we do. We've been able to avoid him taking it to church, but we can't hold him off for much longer so he needs his own Bible.

Peter has also loved the movie "Cars" this summer. I got it from Netflix shortly before school was out because I figured having a new movie for him might help the transition to a new baby some, especially when I needed to feed Isaac. I was right in that it did help, but I had no idea how MUCH Peter would love that movie. He would watch it every single day if we let him. "Cars" will always remind me of this sweet, good summer as well as that wonderful day a couple of weeks ago when Peter had his echo that was "normal."


I've already posted some about what a help Alana has been to me this summer. She has willingly played with both brothers as well as been a great errand-runner - like diapers, clothes, burpie-cloths, etc. Alana knows her chores to do each day/week and often gets started without being reminded or asked. She has grown physically and is definitely not a little girl anymore. Alana also has a very teachable spirit.

Alana will be 10 next month. I cannot even believe that! Her birthday will be bitter-sweet. I'm sad to think she will be in double-digits, but at the same time, I feel like I enjoy Alana more and more with every stage. She is my firstborn and the one who made me fall in love with motherhood.

Tom is already back to school and we will begin homeschool on Monday. Summer is over and I'm sad, but I do look forward to a new year and fall, holidays, etc. If I've learned anything this summer, it's to take things ONE DAY AT A TIME. This is obvious, being that I really don't have any choice, but it is something with which I have always struggled. The Lord has been dealing with me about this and teaching me to trust Him daily. I have a long way to go in this area and a lot of "growing up" myself.

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Goings On

Just some miscellaneous pics of the goings on around here in the last couple of days......

My dad stopped by for a little bit and got some Isaac-loving.

I love the back of this little baby-head!

Isaac sporting a new outfit (because he's busting out of all his old clothes already). It says "Mommy's Mane Man" - so cute!

These two have spent many hours playing outside this past week, since the weather has finally cooled off a bit. Do you like their getup? Those are jumpropes for belts and bubble sticks for swords. Alana told me they're playing "Lord of the Rings" and she's Legolas and Peter is Gimli.

Alana may be my mature helper, but she is still a little girl that loves to just play. And I'm so glad about that!

Her "bow and arrow."

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Scripture Memory - August 15

It's (past) time for our next verse. My life feels likes it's always a few days behind here recently.....

She makes linen garments and sells them; she delivers sashes to the merchant. - Proverbs 31:24

We're starting back to school next week - Yay! My favorite time of year.

Monday, August 15, 2011

Miss Maturity

I don't know how I would have made it through this summer without the help of this sweet girl.

Tom has been home a lot, but he has been doing some odd jobs here and there and Alana has really stepped up to the plate and been a mature older sister. I shouldn't be surprised though, she's such a good mama to this guinea pig:)

She has spent countless hours playing patiently with Peter, which is NOT easy. He can be a very typical, demanding 2-year-old. However, I think her favorite way to help has been to hold this little guy.

Despite his looks of surprise and confusion, Isaac loves her "help" too!

Friday, August 12, 2011

Isaac - 2 Months

This past Sunday, Isaac turned 2 months!

And the one word I can think of to describe him at 2 months is.............FAT.

We are just not used to such fat babies and big eaters. He eats 5-6 times a day and takes 6-8 oz. per feeding. Unbelievable. He's still sleeping well - goes down at 8:30 and usually makes it until 5:00 a.m., although sometimes a few minutes earlier. One morning this week, he slept until 6:15 and that was wonderful. Isaac stays awake more now - about and hour and half at a time. He smiles and coos and talks and laughs. He is an extremely contented baby.

I don't have his height and weight for 2 months yet because I couldn't get him into the Dr. for another couple of weeks, but I'll post those soon.

We sure do love our little Chubs!

Monday, August 8, 2011

Blessed Beyond Measure

Peter had his 6-month cardiologist appointment today. I have been dreading it for weeks. I always dread these appointments, but also, I think Isaac hitting the same age Peter was when everything fell apart has brought those familiar emotions back up again. I will never face a Dr. visit without dreading horrible news.

We figured (from past experience) that after the exam today, the Dr. would probably want to schedule an echo because it has been about 18 months since his last one. We were hoping we could avoid Peter having to be sedated, but that would largely depend on how he did for the appointment today.

I dread Dr. visits with Peter because he PANICS. And I do mean an all-out total anxiety attack. The last time he did somewhat better, but it was still a struggle. We have been preparing him for today and hoping he could remain calm enough for the Dr. to get a good exam. Armed with a new truck and some M&Ms, we faced the day.

Peter held it together through the preliminary tests - height, weight, EKG, blood pressure and pulse ox. He really wanted to cry, but we kept encouraging him and he did okay. We had a couple of minutes before the Dr. came in, which was helpful. Again, Peter started to get upset but our encouragement and the M&Ms worked wonders. Peter was very still and quiet for the Dr. and he was able to really listen for a long time. After the exam, the Dr. said he pretty much sounded the same (slight murmer over the left side of Peter's heart which has been unchanged since surgery) and he wanted to go ahead and do an echo - right then. We were so surprised and relieved. At least we could get it done and know what we were facing.

Peter did great for the echo. I was so proud of him! They put the movie "Cars" on during the test, which is Peter's favorite movie. The tech was able to do a full echo (which takes about 30 minutes) and then the Dr. came in and took a look at things himself. Tom and I both were nervous when the Dr. came in and he and the tech were discussing numbers in low voices. So many times, we have sat tense for a test only to have bad results. The Dr. then looked over Peter's chart for awhile and finally told us that his heart looks great! Praise be to God!

The main thing they are watching for is possible narrowing of that left pulmonary artery. They specifically look at the place where it was attached to the heart because scar tissue can form there, which would cause narrowing and reduce or possible even cut off blood flow to his left lung. Immediately post-surgery, the cardiologists all thought Peter would probably require heart catheterizations throughout his growth years to balloon that artery, keeping it open. In direct answer to our prayers, Peter has not required any "tuning up" as they originally thought. Although the risk of narrowing lowers as Peter gets older (because children grow the most in the first few years of life), it is something they will always have to watch. Today, the Dr. said that Peter's left pulmonary artery is 7 millimeters and it was 4.5 millimeters at his last echo 18 months ago. Also, there was no narrowing that they could see and blood flow to the lung looked good. He said that the size of the artery is normal for Peter's age, height and weight. This basically means that little to no scar tissue has formed and the artery is growing as Peter grows. It was a praise in and of itself that Peter grew so much to even cause them to want to look so closely. He said that their findings today were conducive to what we said about Peter's activity level and function as a 2 1/2 year old. We have learned that in the cardiac world, symptoms often show themselves in daily life before they're ever found out in a test. The Dr. doesn't even want to see Peter again for a year!

We couldn't possibly have asked for better news. They will continue to watch that artery, probably with yearly exams and echos, but in the Dr.'s own words, Peter is NORMAL. Unbelievable.

I shall not die, but live, and declare the works of Almighty God. - Psalm 118:17

Friday, August 5, 2011


Today is a significant day to me in Isaac's life. It is two days before his 2-month birthday. It was on this exact day in Peter's life that, after 2 weeks of frustration and confusion, we took him to the pediatrician's office out of desperation. His feeding issues had been steadily getting worse and on that day I could hardly wake him up at all to eat (or do anything else) and I knew something was definitely wrong. I would have never guessed how wrong things were.

That day sent us into a storm of life like we had never known before or since - one from which we are still recovering.

This picture of Peter was taken the week before that awful Dr. appointment. I felt like this was the only way I ever saw him - asleep.

These pictures of Isaac were taken the same week of his life. This is how we see Isaac all the time - awake, alert, smiling, cooing, laughing, happy.

I am so thankful for Isaac's health! Yet, in an odd way, it brings back the grief of what we went through with Peter. It makes me sad for him. He suffered so much.

Peter is special. It is unique to be called by God to endure so much at so young an age. I must constantly remind myself of that eternal perspective.

Count it all joy, my brothers, when you meet trials of various kinds, for you know that the testing of your faith produces steadfastness. And let steadfastness have its full effect, that you may be perfect and complete, lacking in nothing. - James 1:2-4

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

8 Weeks

My little sweetie is 8 weeks old today.

He is smiling ALL THE TIME now!

He smiles at all of us, but he also smiles at his toys.

He's cooing a lot too.


Scripture Memory - August 1

Time for another verse:

Her husband is known in the gates when he sits among the elders of the land. - Proverbs 31:23 (ESV)

Have a good week!