Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Playtime Fun

We are still recovering around here. I was hoping Alana would avoid getting it, but I was wrong. She has the same nasty sore throat and bad cough that the boys and I have had for about 10 days. It's one of those viruses that lasts for a long time.

Anyway, I thought I'd just share a few pictures of life around the Ellsworth house lately.....

When we added on the screened-in back porch, this is what I always envisioned for its primary use.

It's sort-of like an outdoor playroom.

I never used a playpen much with Alana and Peter, but with Isaac being the third, I have found it to be essential. It's a great, safe place for him to play but still hear and see us around him.

It cracks me up how Isaac seems to look so surprised in every picture! I think it's the flash.

And just because they're so cute - a glimpse at some thunder thighs:)

He is still our chunky-monkey.

Friday, October 21, 2011

Sick Days and Comfort Food

We've had a bit of a rough week around here. Peter, Isaac and me have all been sick. We all have matching coughs, runny/stuffed up noses and just general crud. No fun!

I even emailed my principal on Wednesday and told him that the teacher is taking a sick day. He said since I have no substitute to fill in, he'll just have to dock my pay. I said that's fine since I don't get paid anything anyway, it won't amount to much.

This is how Isaac has been taking his naps this week to help with the congestion.

Don't you wish they made adult bouncy seats? Babies make them look so comfortable.

Peter has been watching a lot of T.V. this week.

Apparently Roo......

and this teddy bear have wanted to watch T.V. too.

It's fun to watch T.V. with your friends:)

I knew I was feeling pretty awful when I started craving chicken and dumplings and green beans. I have made chicken and dumplings about twice in the almost 16 years I've been married. But I made it this week and it was DELICIOUS! Peter even liked it.

I'm hoping we all get well soon.

Monday, October 17, 2011

Scripture Memory - October 15

We're almost to the end of the Proverbs 31 woman:

She looks well to the ways of her household and does not eat the bread of idleness. - Proverbs 31:27

Kelli paraphrase - Take care of your family and don't be lazy.

It doesn't get any clearer than that!

Thursday, October 13, 2011


Since the Dr. gave us the all-clear, we started Isaac on cereal this week. He is NOT a fan! He cried through most of it the first time we tried, but each day has been a little better. He's definitely not to the point where he likes it, but he is tolerating it somewhat.

Yesterday, I went to get Isaac from his morning nap and this was how I found him. It was the first time he flipped over! I've known he was close for about a week. I guess he decided he wanted to do it all by himself with no one watching:)

Isn't a shame what your older sister will do to you?

Our flower-child:)

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Outside Pictures

Isaac loves, loves, LOVES being outside! Next to eating, it his favorite thing to do. He has never taken well to a pacifier, but taking him outside works just as well. When he's fussy and nothing seems to satisfy him, I just take him out on the porch and he immediately settles down.

Last week I just let him sit in his saucer and watch Alana and Peter play and he thoroughly enjoyed it. I got some good pictures that I couldn't resist sharing.

Someone at church asked us how we get his hair to stick up like that. It is totally natural! Just like his daddy's and his brother's:)

I'm not sure what we're going to do when the weather turns colder...... Listen to the baby cry, I guess.

Cute munchkin!

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

New Addition

Remeber this lovely little lady that joined our family last year on Alana's birthday?

Lucy Grace Ellsworth

Alana has LOVED this guinea pig! And she has been incredibly responsible in taking excellent care of her. I do not believe there is a more loved, or well cared-for guinea pig in the whole world.

Alana got a book on guinea pigs this year for her birthday. She read the whole thing through in about a day and one of the things the book really emphasized is that guinea pigs should not be kept alone. They are very social and need another of their own kind to live with.

We had considered getting two pigs when we bought Lucy, but weren't sure what all we were getting into so we decided to wait and see. Well, since Alana decided against having her ears pierced right now, we asked her if she would like another guinea pig instead. She really thought it through. Although Alana is an animal lover and would adore another one, she wanted to make sure Lucy would be okay. After reading her book and doing some research, she decided she wanted to try it.


Ethel May Ellsworth

(yes, we now have Lucy and Ethel)

Isn't she beautiful?

The proud momma with her two babies:)

At first, Lucy wasn't very fond of Ethel. She would chase her around the cage and nip at her often. But little by little, she has come around to acceptance and now she seems to even like Ethel.

It has been funny to me to watch Lucy each day since Ethel's arrival. Sadly, it has reminded me of myself. When God brings changes into my life, unfortunately, my reaction is so similar to that of a guinea pig. Figuratively, I run around my cage and chase and nip and waste a ton of energy over something that isn't going to change. Often it takes me a long time to accept new things and to learn to even like them instead of trusting my "Owner" that this is what is best for me.

Who knew you could learn such a lesson from a guinea pig?:)

Monday, October 10, 2011

Isaac - 4 Months

On Friday, Isaac turned 4 months old!

He has changed a lot in the past month. He is still very smiley and laughs a lot. He sleeps from about 8:30 at night until 8:00 in the morning. He has done great transitioning to sleeping in his crib in the room with Peter at night, although Isaac still takes his naps in a pack-n-play in our room during the day. Speaking of naps, he takes a morning nap and an afternoon nap and about a 30 minute cat-nap in the evening. Isaac sleeps so well at night, but naps are an entirely different thing. Some days are better than others and I think overall he's getting better at daytime sleep, but we're not there yet.

As far as feeding, Isaac takes 4 bottles a day (every 4 hours) and he takes a solid 8 oz per feeding.

Isaac has his 4-month well check on Friday and he's still a big boy:

15 lbs. 3 oz.

25 1/2 in.

These first two pictures were taken on Friday - Isaac's actual 4 month birthday.

Isaac has also had his first cold. Nothing serious, but it did make him very cranky for about a week. Fighting off your first illness always seems like a milestone to me.

Happy 4 months sweet boy!

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Bow and Arrow

You may recall the post I did a few months ago where Alana and Peter were playing Legolas and Gimli (from "Lord of the Rings") with a pretend bow and arrow. This weekend, Alana's grandparents bought her a real bow and arrow set to play with. Alana was thrilled.

She took to it immediately and had really good form.

Her Pap-pap showed her how to do it.

Pretty girl.

Tom enjoyed it too. I love this picture of Alana looking at her Pap-pap and him looking at her.

She was a natural.

Now she's ready to kill orcs and goblins should any come into the yard:)

Monday, October 3, 2011

More Comparison Pictures

My inlaws came in town for a visit this weekend. I got some great pictures that I'm going to try to post all week.

This first picture was taken 2 and half years ago when they came. That is Peter at almost exactly five months.

And this is Isaac at almost four months. Do you think they look alike? I'm still undecided. Sometimes I think they look a lot alike and sometimes, not much at all. Hard to tell. There is one thing that's for sure - Isaac looks JUST LIKE his Daddy. All three kids have favored Tom, but I think Isaac looks exactly like him. Alana and I laugh that we have Daddy home with us all day in smaller form:)

Sweet little Tom-face!

Sunday, October 2, 2011

Scripture Memory - October 1

We are almost to the end of the Proverbs 31 woman:

She looks well to the way of her household and does not eat the bread of idleness. - Proverbs 31:27

Happy October!