Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Pretty Pictures

One evening last week, Isaac was really tired and fussy so I took him outside to distract him from his misery. It worked great and I got some beautiful pictures of my sweet baby.

I am no photographer, but I thought these were just gorgeous.

This may not seem like a good picture, but I love it because it shows the top of that sweet head that I kiss constantly, as well as the hair that is always going in every direction:)

Isaac - DON'T GROW UP!

Friday, March 23, 2012

Flashback Friday (3/23/09)

Three years ago today, we brought our sweet baby boy home from the hospital. I remember the details of that day so vividly. We didn't get discharged until the afternoon and I remember those hours at the hospital seemed like they would NEVER pass. Peter slept the whole way home and for several hours after. He also slept through the night for the first time that night.

That last week in the hospital, I had become convinced that Peter couldn't eat well because he couldn't sleep well. Sleep doesn't come easily in the hospital. Between vitals checks every few hours and administering medicine, poor Peter was messed with about every hour or two all throughout the day and night. With a God-given mother's intuition, I knew it was time to bring him home where he could relax and sleep, and then his eating would pick up. I was right. Tom and I felt like we could almost actually see Peter relax and he ate better than he ever had at the hospital with his first bottle at home. I don't know if it's possible for a three-month old that had spent the previous six weeks in the hospital, but Tom and I both felt like he remembered home.

What an analogy that is for us. No matter what we face or for how long, here in this sin-sick world, those of us in Christ Jesus will remember "home." The place where we can finally have rest.

Praise be to God for what He has done!

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Outside Play - Isaac

With the beautiful weather these last two weeks, we've had lunch outside on the porch several times. Isaac seems to love it (although he seems to love eating anywhere) and he especially enjoys sitting in his high chair for awhile and watching his big sister and brother play out in the yard. We really need to figure out a way to rig up his baby swing on the porch so he can take part in the fun.

Isaac still loves his Johnny-Jump Up too, but I don't think he'll be able to use it a whole lot longer with as big as he is.

Sweet baby.

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Outside (and Inside) Play - Peter

My mom bought Peter these great sunglasses and he loves them, but only wears them inside. Crazy kid.

This is the only proper way to watch the movie "Cars."

And just like last year, Peter's favorite thing to do outside is mow the lawn - over and over and over and over. Such a shame he can't really mow the lawn since he loves it so much. It would save Tom a lot of work:)

I love this silly boy!

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Outside Play - Alana

The weather here has changed from very mild winter to almost summer. It has been very warm and we've even had to turn on the A/C. The kids have LOVED the warmer weather and have spent as much time as possible playing outside.

Alana plays so sweetly with Peter. He couldn't ask for a better big sister.

Alana usually brings her pigs outside too. They love it! They eat all the grass and weeds in their little area. Alana uses this old table to provide her babies with shade so they don't get too hot. Such a good mother!

Spring is definitely here.

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Scripture Memory - March 15 2012

A glad heart makes a cheerful face. - Proverbs 15:13a

Happy Spring!

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Isaac - 9 Months

Well, I'm only a week late on Isaac's 9-month post. The Ellsworth family has spent the last two and a half weeks passing around a lovely virus and I am just now feeling close to normal again.

Poor Isaac was very sick on his 9-month birthday, but fortunately, we had scheduled his well check-up for that day so he was going to see the Dr. anyway. Mr. Sunshine is much better now.

It seems to me that Isaac has changed a lot since 8 months. He is really crawling now - up on all fours and starting to pull up. He is also babbling a lot and he can wave, clap hands and throw his arms up in the air when we say "Yay!" I can tell he loves learning to communicate with us and wants to do it all the time.

Isaac is also eating a lot more table food. He's had cheese slices, cottage cheese, yogurt, eggs, pretzels, crackers, cookies and usually a few bites of whatever we're eating for supper. He's still taking four bottles a day, but pretty soon I'm going to try dropping one and see how he does.

Such a sad, sick little face:(

The straps on Peter's booster seat are a favorite toy for Isaac.

Isaac weighs 20 lbs., 2 oz. and is 28 in.

This may sound like a broken record, but I can't believe my little baby is 9 months!

Monday, March 5, 2012

March Devotional

Here is the March devotional I wrote for our women's ministry newsletter this month:

Always With You

Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be frightened, and do not be dismayed, for the LORD your God is with you wherever you go. – Joshua 1:9

I came to know the Lord as a very young child and early in my life, I claimed the above verse as my life verse. I do not remember the specific circumstance that caused this verse to bore so deeply into my heart, but I do know that I (like most folks), have always battled fear and this verse directly addresses that. It also secures a promise.

The last half of February and the first half of March are a series of anniversaries for Tom and me. Most people at this church have heard the story of our son, Peter. To make a long story very short, he was diagnosed at 2 months old with some heart defects. He endured open-heart surgery and then went into cardiac arrest 13 hours post-surgery. He was put on life support for four days and was not expected to live. God granted us a miracle and Peter lived, despite all odds.

It has been three years now, and I still remember so clearly the events of those days. The day he was diagnosed. The day he was transported via ambulance to Charlotte. The day of his first heart catheterization. The night before open-heart surgery. The day of surgery. The night after surgery. And so on….

As I’ve been doing my 3-year reminiscing of those hard days, I realize that my perspective has grown so much, which is no surprise. I have the advantage now of being in the “known” instead of the “unknown” that the Kelli of three years did not have. So with this perspective, what would I say to the Kelli of three years ago? What advice would I give? What encouragement would I have to help her bear up against some of the worst things a mother could face?

I could tell her that it’s going to be hard, really hard. I could tell her she’s going to watch her baby suffer – a lot. But I could also tell her that it’s all going to end up good in the end. Her baby will live! Not only will he live, he will thrive.

Isn’t that what hurting people want to hear? That it’s all going to be okay. That their circumstances will turn out like they want them to. But is that enough? Would that have been enough for the Kelli of three years ago? I can tell you that it wouldn’t. It would have been great news, but it wouldn’t have been the greatest news. Why wouldn’t it have been enough? Because that is not the last trial I will face. I will face more, and more, and more.

So, I would have needed more. More than just the knowledge that Peter was going to be fine. I would have, and still need, the truth that can span a lifetime. Truth that holds. Truth that guarantees. Truth that will see me through not just one hard time, but every hard time.
I realize that the very advice I would have given to the Kelli of three years ago is the blessed truth that my God has already given to me. Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid. Do not be discouraged. The LORD your God will be with you wherever you go. God was with me all those many nights I held my precious baby, not knowing his future. God is with me now.

Dear women, look to God. Cling to Him. Live for Him. Love Him. His word is truth. His promises are sure.

Fear not, for I am with you; be not dismayed, for I am your God;I will strengthen you, I will help you, I will uphold you with my righteous right hand. – Isaiah 41:10

Sunday, March 4, 2012

Sick Boys

The men in my life have been sick this week.

It started with Tom on Tuesday.....

And spread to Peter by Wednesday....

By Friday, Isaac had it too.

Thankfully, Tom seems completely better and Peter is much better, but poor Isaac is still sick.

Sickness, GO AWAY!