Here is the March devotional I wrote for our women's ministry newsletter this month:Always With You
Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be frightened, and do not be dismayed, for the LORD your God is with you wherever you go. – Joshua 1:9
I came to know the Lord as a very young child and early in my life, I claimed the above verse as my life verse. I do not remember the specific circumstance that caused this verse to bore so deeply into my heart, but I do know that I (like most folks), have always battled fear and this verse directly addresses that. It also secures a promise.
The last half of February and the first half of March are a series of anniversaries for Tom and me. Most people at this church have heard the story of our son, Peter. To make a long story very short, he was diagnosed at 2 months old with some heart defects. He endured open-heart surgery and then went into cardiac arrest 13 hours post-surgery. He was put on life support for four days and was not expected to live. God granted us a miracle and Peter lived, despite all odds.
It has been three years now, and I still remember so clearly the events of those days. The day he was diagnosed. The day he was transported via ambulance to Charlotte. The day of his first heart catheterization. The night before open-heart surgery. The day of surgery. The night after surgery. And so on….
As I’ve been doing my 3-year reminiscing of those hard days, I realize that my perspective has grown so much, which is no surprise. I have the advantage now of being in the “known” instead of the “unknown” that the Kelli of three years did not have. So with this perspective, what would I say to the Kelli of three years ago? What advice would I give? What encouragement would I have to help her bear up against some of the worst things a mother could face?
I could tell her that it’s going to be hard, really hard. I could tell her she’s going to watch her baby suffer – a lot. But I could also tell her that it’s all going to end up good in the end. Her baby will live! Not only will he live, he will thrive.
Isn’t that what hurting people want to hear? That it’s all going to be okay. That their circumstances will turn out like they want them to. But is that enough? Would that have been enough for the Kelli of three years ago? I can tell you that it wouldn’t. It would have been great news, but it wouldn’t have been the greatest news. Why wouldn’t it have been enough? Because that is not the last trial I will face. I will face more, and more, and more.
So, I would have needed more. More than just the knowledge that Peter was going to be fine. I would have, and still need, the truth that can span a lifetime. Truth that holds. Truth that guarantees. Truth that will see me through not just one hard time, but every hard time.
I realize that the very advice I would have given to the Kelli of three years ago is the blessed truth that my God has already given to me. Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid. Do not be discouraged. The LORD your God will be with you wherever you go. God was with me all those many nights I held my precious baby, not knowing his future. God is with me now.
Dear women, look to God. Cling to Him. Live for Him. Love Him. His word is truth. His promises are sure.
Fear not, for I am with you; be not dismayed, for I am your God;I will strengthen you, I will help you, I will uphold you with my righteous right hand. – Isaiah 41:10