I'm finally getting an Easter post done, even though it was almost two weeks ago.
Here are the kids on Easter Sunday morning. I didn't try to color-coordinate Alana and Isaac, but it worked out that way. Peter's expression cracks me up. So typical for a 3-year-old boy that doesn't want to stop for pictures.

This was much better, although clearly quite fake:)

My beautiful girl. I have some WONDERFUL pictures that my friend Nancy took of Alana that I'm going to share soon.

Alana and Peter with their Easter baskets from Nana and Grandpa. Isaac was far more interested in lunch to explore an Easter basket. Silly boy should realize that there's candy in there!

Our traditional sunflower cake for Easter. Super-easy, chocolate cake with Peeps around the edge and chocolate chips in the middle. This is the height of my cake-decorating skills, so enjoy it:)

We had a great Easter celebrating spring, new life and most of all the Risen Savior!