Friday, April 30, 2010


Clearly, I did my last post too soon! I was so glad Peter didn't seem to have this stomach virus too bad, but I was wrong. We woke up Wed. morning to more vomit and Peter being totally lethargic all day. He spent the entire day in my arms. I was hoping for a major improvement yesterday, but he was still VERY lethargic. By 2:00 in the afternoon, I noticed his color was off. After checking several times and changing the light to make sure I was looking correctly, I realized his feet, hands and lips had a blue tint to them. This was very upsetting because that is a classic symptom of heart failure! I called Tom and he immediately came home and agreed (which was not a comfort because he is not quick to panic like me). We called the cardiologist who thought it was just a case of dehydration, but wanted Peter seen by his primary care Dr. We gave Peter some milk (which he loves) and his color improved over the next hour or so. We took him in to the pediatrician later in the afternoon and had a very frustrating appointment. It's difficult because the cardiologist wants them to make the initial diagnosis, but we feel that the pediatrician's often take a "hands-off" approach because of Peter's heart issues. We finally got home and fed Peter a little dinner and put him to bed. Thankfully, he slept well last night and seems somewhat better today. I would appreciate your prayers for Peter that he would get over this virus SOON!

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