Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Highs, Lows and Hopes

Alana came up with a good idea for dinner conversation a few months ago that we have been implementing. We mention our high and low for that day. It's good because it helps to channel conversation. Otherwise, Tom and I would be swinging back and forth between Alana's constant chatter and Peter's attempts (and often successes) at being a clown. It also helps to recap our day. Last night, Alana said that we should add another element - our hopes for the next day. So, to give an exmple:

My high today was an encouraging convesation with a friend.
My low today was a terrible nightmare I had in the early morning hours.
My hopes for tomorrow are to get some groceries.

If you are in need of a little more organized conversation around the dinner table, I highly suggest this! We've had a lot of fun with it.

1 comment:

  1. Kelli~


    I always love meeting new "friends". Thanks for coming out of the shadows and leaving a comment. It helps to know there are those moms out there who are "with me".

    Anyway, hope to see you around a lot on my blog! And I do hope to be more regular about posting!!

    Take care and thanks ever-so-much for the prayers!!
