Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Halfway There

Today, I am 20 weeks pregnant! I can hardly believe I'm already at the halfway point. People talk about time flying by, but I don't feel like pregnancy ever flies by. Time slows down when we're waiting on a baby. I feel pretty good, except my allergies have been really bad for a long time. I've also started to feel the baby move some. It's so exciting to feel those first flutters that quickly turn into good, strong kicks. It some brings anxiety too. I start to worry when I don't feel movement all the time.

I think part of my anxiety is because of the time of year. Partly because the weather is a little depressing. Also, it was around this time of year that things started to get so bad for Peter. I wonder if late Jan. to Feb. will ever pass without me reflecting on 2009. I don't think I'll ever get over what we went through. I do think it will get easier though, with every passing year.

I can't wait for this baby to get here!!!

1 comment:

  1. No, Kelly you will never forget what happened this time of year. There are still days that I can pick out and tell you exactly what happened even 4 years later while I was going through chemo. I think that is so we can look back and see exactly what God brought us through. I am sure you will be the same way, I know you look forward to telling Peter his story and how special of a boy he is!

    Love you all!!
    Kim :)
