Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Spring Happenings

When Tom mows the grass, he has a fan club. First, we all go to the front porch and watch him mow the front yard. Then we head to the back porch, and watch him mow the back yard. Of all of us, Peter gets the most excited to watch him mow. To Peter, it is the biggest thrill to watch Tom push that noisy lawnmower around the yard and wave to him as he comes by.

Tom let Peter "help" him mow yesterday.

He also let Alana help, but I don't think this was because she loves it so much as to teach her to do it so Tom doesn't have to:)

Peter continued to mow the porch after he helped his Daddy.

On another note, Peter hit a major milestone (for him) on Saturday. He got an "official" haircut! I've been cutting his hair because he has had such fear/panic issues as a result of his MANY Dr. visits. I wanted to try it on Saturday because he is growing up and changing so much and it is becoming much easier to reason with him. He did wonderful! He sat on Tom's lap and the beautician gave him a sucker (which helped tremendously) and he only started to cry a little bit when she got the blowdryer out to get rid of the excess hair. I was so proud of him! It was also an encouragement that maybe he'll soon be able to handle having an Echo done without sedation, although to Peter, there's a big difference between a beautician and a Dr.

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