Sweet Isaac is 7 weeks old today. That is very hard for me to fathom. He is quickly changing from newborn to baby.
He is sleeping well - about 8:30 at night to about 5:00 a.m. and then he goes back to sleep until 7:30 or 8:00 before his day really starts. I'll take that!
He is by far our fattest baby. Alana wasn't extremely fat, but very healthy-looking. Peter has always been on the skinny side - and probably always will be. Isaac is our little chubs. He is in a size 2 diaper and wearing 3-6 month clothes.
This little boy LOVES his baby brother. I was fully prepared for Peter to have a hard time with the adjustment of a new baby - partly because it would be very typical for his age and partly because he's always had a lot of attention because of everything he's been through.
I was wrong though. Peter has loved Isaac from the very first moment he met him. He's always smothering Isaac with kisses. They seem kind of rough and slobbery to me, but Isaac doesn't seem to mind.
This little boy LOVES his baby brother. I was fully prepared for Peter to have a hard time with the adjustment of a new baby - partly because it would be very typical for his age and partly because he's always had a lot of attention because of everything he's been through.
I was wrong though. Peter has loved Isaac from the very first moment he met him. He's always smothering Isaac with kisses. They seem kind of rough and slobbery to me, but Isaac doesn't seem to mind.
We've been giving the boys a bath together for a couple of weeks now and they both love it. Tonight, Tom was rubbing some gunk out of Isaac's eye while they were both in the tub and Isaac cried about it. His cry has started to change from the newborn, baby-kitten cry to a more hearty baby cry. Well, Peter got VERY upset! He cried and cried big crocodile tears for a long time and we finally had to distract him with a cookie. He couldn't stand poor Isaac crying. That broken/repaired heart of his is a very tender one!
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