Friday, September 30, 2011

Alana's Birthday Party - Final Part!

I love this picture of the girls at Alana's party. They had so much fun! Sweet girls.

On Saturday (Alana's actual birthday), we had a girl day. One of the things she wanted for her birthday was to go to the Olive Garden. I knew she would have a much better time with just the two of us than dragging her little brothers along (sweet as they are). I really wanted to make this birthday special since she was turning 10, so we made a day of it.

Originally, we were going to get her ears pierced and do some shopping, but Alana decided against the ear piercing. I could tell she had been having doubts about it for a couple of weeks and we talked about it. I told her that just because she could get her ears pierced, she certainly didn't have to and if she wasn't ready, I thought it was very mature of her to recognize that. So we'll get her ears pierced another day. She has another birthday present still coming to replace the ear piercing - more on that later.

First, we went to Books-A-Million because her gift card was burning a hole in her pocket. I thought for sure she would buy some books because she loves books, but there's not really any books on her radar right now, so she chose a Webkinz instead. She loves stuffed animals and she loves to get on Webkinz world and take care of them.

Alana at Olive Garden with her new friend.

We also went to Toys-R-Us and Alana spent some of her birthday money.

Saturday night, my parents came over for a little family party. I was so tired the night before that I had thrown away her birthday candles and had to improvise - an "8" candle and two stick candles to make 10:)

Alana opened more presents from us and my parents that night.

I think Alana had a wonderful tenth birthday.

Thursday, September 29, 2011

Alana's Birthday Party - Part 4


I didn't get a picture of all of Alana's presents, but here's most of them.

A "Littlest Pet Shop" set.

A gift card to Books-A-Million.

A bottle-painting craft.

A scrapbook from Nana. She also got a bracelet and money from my mom.

And a travel carrier for her guinea pig from her Daddy and me.

On Saturday, Alana and I had a girl day, but I'll share more on that tomorrow.

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Alana's Birthday Party - Part 3

The cake!

I have a dear friends who makes the BEST cakes in all the world and I wanted her to do the cake, but Alana really wanted me to make her cake so this is my best. We put 4 birthday cake-pops from Starbucks on it for decoration (and eating - they are delicious).

Alana waiting for cake (with red eyes thanks to my camera).

We had to bring in the cake while the girls were still making their scrapbooks because we were running out of time. I think they loved the craft!

Blowing out the candles.

Presents tomorrow.

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Alana's Birthday Party - Part 2

This was the craft the girls did at Alana's party. It is a tiny little scrapbook made out of toilet paper rolls. Very cute. My mom taught Alana how to do them awhile back and she wanted to show her friends at the party.

The crafting supplies.

Meredith with her scrapbook.

Lia with her scrapbook.

Bethanie with her scrapbook.

Alana didn't finish hers. I think she was just too excited!

Stay tuned for more party details tomorrow......

Monday, September 26, 2011

Alana's Birthday Party - Part 1

Alana had a wonderful birthday weekend. I decided I would post a little each day this week to show how we celebrated my sweet girl turning 10.

Friday night, we had 3 of Alana's good friends come over for a party. We did pizza and a craft (more on that later), cake and presents. I love Alana's friends. Every one of them are sweet, good girls.

Today I'm just showing the party decorations. My mom did just about all of the decorations. I'm getting better at coming up with ideas, but being crafty is still a big challenge to me.

Here is an overall snapshot.

My mom did a really cute banner of twine with triangles of the letters of Alana's name. We're going to move it up to her room as a decoration on her wall.

Alana set up the plates, napkins and cups. That is a little toilet-paper roll scrapbook by the napkins (the craft).

I didn't get good pictures of this, but my mom also made two vertical twine banners with "Happy Birthday."

More to come!

Saturday, September 24, 2011

Happy Birthday Alana!

Happy birthday to you!
Happy birthday to you!
Happy birthday, Alana Grace,
Happy birthday to you!!!

We love you sweet girl.

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Miscellaneous Pics

Things have been pretty quiet around here the last couple of weeks. I don't have much in the way of news, so I thought I'd just share a few pics.

This is how Isaac looks most of the time. He is the happiest baby I've ever seen. And when he gives that big grin, all three of those darling dimples show up.

This expression on Peter's face shows how he feels about eating. We have to nag, bribe, encourage, keep that child eating. He does better than he used to, but I don't think he'll ever love food. This will probably be a good thing when he grows up, but for now, we have to work at it. Thank goodness Peter loves milk. I pour as much whole milk into this boy throughout the day as I can.

It's such a shame Alana doesn't love her baby brother at all:)

And, Peter clearly doesn't love Alana at all either:) This is how I found them the other day.

Peter copies everything he can about Alana. She is still his hero!

I love these kids.

Saturday, September 17, 2011

Scripture Memory - September 15

Happy fall! The weather has turned crisp and rather cold here so we are putting all our fall decorations out and thoroughly enjoying it. Fall is my favorite season.

Today was my due date for Alana but she decided to wait another whole week to make her entrance into the world. Next week at this time, I will be the mother of a 10-year-old. Shocking.

It's time for our next verse - past time, actually. I seem to always be running a little behind these days.....

She opens her mouth with wisdom, and the teaching of kindness is on her tongue. - Proverbs 31:26 (ESV)

To me, this is probably the most convicting of all the Proverbs 31 woman verses. Sometimes it's hard, with little ones running around always needing something from me, to be teaching them with kindness. It comes far more natural to teach them with firmness, with boldness, and often, with impatience. I pray this verse often these days - that I will teach my three little blessings with kindness. That I will homeschool with kindness. That I will potty train with kindness. That I will comfort with kindness.

Have a good weekend!

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Big Day

Warning: If you are not now, or have never been, the mother of a toddler you may not want to read this post because you may not understand why this is so exciting.

Guess what? Peter FINALLY pooped on the potty! I'm sure he'll be thrilled to know I put this on my blog when he is 16, but I am his mother and it is my privilege to celebrate such things. After 30 million (that might be a slight exageration) trips to the potty in the last several weeks, he finally did it. He even told me he had to go. I am so proud.

Here is a picture of Peter with his new race car reward for pooping on the potty.

I'm so happy because now that he's done it once, I know he'll do it again. This, by the way, is my great parenting philosophy. If they do it once, they'll do it again. If they sleep through the night once, they'll do it again. If they drink a big bottle once, they'll do it again. If they go on the potty once, they'll do it again.

Unfortunately, it works on the other side of things too. If they lie once, they'll probably lie again. If they defy you once, they'll do it again. A good reason to nip some behaviors in the bud!

We are celebrating today. I can't believe my little boy is getting so big.

Friday, September 9, 2011

Isaac - 3 Months

My little sweetie turned 3 months old on Wednesday! I wanted to do a post that day, but it has been one of the crazy weeks where I haven't had a moment to call my own. Such is the current season:)

Isaac is still an incredibly easy baby. He sleeps from 8:30 at night to about 7:30 in the morning and takes two short catnaps and two fairly long naps during the day. He still LOVES to eat, and feeds about 5 times a day. His personality is really coming out a lot now. Isaac loves to be talked to and he tries his best to talk to us. Tom and I laugh and say he growls at us all the time. Also, he loves to be played with. Anything that involves touch is something he loves. He's a very affectionate baby.

Here is our little fat-man on his 3-month birthday.

Alana likes to feed Isaac and he's such a good eater I let her feed him every few days. I want him to be used to her in case I need her help in a pinch.

Isaac will hold his toys if we put them in his hands.

This is the major drawback of being the youngest of three. Your older sister dresses you up in her doll clothes. Sometimes life isn't fair.

Isaac is sleeping in his crib in the same room with Peter for the first time tonight. We'll see how they both do. I was going to wait another month or so, but Isaac has been sleeping so well lately, I thought we might as well give it a try. Plus, Tom and I are tired of trying to take our contacts out in the dark:)

Have a good weekend!

Saturday, September 3, 2011

Isaac's Days

Isaac is such a good baby. I can't tell if it's just his personality or if I'm so much more experienced, but probably both. Here's a few glimpses of what he's been up to lately.

Taking a little catnap in my arms.

Getting fed by Daddy. This position looks so uncomfortable to me, but he was quite happy. Eating is still his favorite thing to do.

We put Isaac in his exercauser for the first time this week. He's still not too sure about it.

I'm sure he'll like it more when he gets used to it.

Isaac is becoming more tolerant of tummy-time. He'll lift up his head quite a bit, but a lot of the time he just lays there and chews on his fist. Alana takes advantage of tummy-time to love on him some.

Sweet baby!

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Scripture Memory - September 1

I'm sorry for the delay in posting. This potty training has literally taken every ounce of physical and mental energy that I have. But the good news is, I think Peter is getting it! Or at least he's getting #1 down. He has had only one wet accident in the last 3 days. We're still working on #2 with no success yet. I did buy a Lightning McQueen car for a reward when he does finally go and it's sitting on the kitchen counter where Peter gazes at it constantly.

So, anyway we are moving on from the "potty picture"........ Ellen, this is for you:)

It's time for our next verse in the Proverbs 31 woman and this is my FAVORITE of all the Proverbs 31 verses.

Strength and dignity are her clothing, and she laughs at the time to come. - Proverbs 31:25 (ESV)

Why is this my favorite, you ask? It has deep, personal meaning for me. I am a strong woman. I was just born that way. I have a strong personality. I have strong opinions. I use strong words. And I used to hate myself because of that. Satan spoke lies to me that godly women were those with a gentle and quiet spirit (I Peter 3:4), which they are, but that's not all they are. The Proverbs 31 woman was a strong woman. Her strength is mentioned twice.

I think sometimes we get personality traits and character traits confused. Some women have a gentle and quiet personality. Some women (like me) have strong personalities. These are just reflections of how our Creator made us, our life's circumstances and our relationships. I have a strong personality, but that does not make me a strong woman. Those with gentle and quiet personalities do not necessarily always have a gentle and quiet spirit.

Biblical definitions are important. The woman with the gentle and quiet spirit is that way because her hope is in the Lord (I Peter 3:5). The strength of the Proverbs 31 woman comes from her fear (reverence and respect) of the Lord (Proverbs 31:30). These are character traits that can only be the result of a consistent walk with the Lord. We must remember that man looks on the outward appearance, and often judges personalities as fruit when it isn't. But God looks on the heart and He alone knows when our spirit is at peace because our hope is in Him, or when we have strength that comes from a fear of the Lord. It's so much easier to focus on the outer man than the inner, but Scripture consistently admonishes us to deal with the issues of our heart.

I heard a sermon yesterday on the book of Ecclesiastes and the pastor mentioned how fleeting this life is. We are given only one turn. It passes quickly. And we will give an account to our Creator. It was a grave reminder to me to turn to Him - daily!

I cannot help but also notice the result of the development of strength in the Proverbs 31 woman - she can LAUGH at the future. Her days are not filled with wordly fear and anxiety, but laughter. She has joy because of the Lord. I'm reminded of a quote I heard once:

Joy is the flag flying outside the castle, showing that the King is in residence there.

Well, those are my thoughts today. Rather serious ones after all that time sitting with Peter on the potty:)

Happy September!!!