Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Big Day

Warning: If you are not now, or have never been, the mother of a toddler you may not want to read this post because you may not understand why this is so exciting.

Guess what? Peter FINALLY pooped on the potty! I'm sure he'll be thrilled to know I put this on my blog when he is 16, but I am his mother and it is my privilege to celebrate such things. After 30 million (that might be a slight exageration) trips to the potty in the last several weeks, he finally did it. He even told me he had to go. I am so proud.

Here is a picture of Peter with his new race car reward for pooping on the potty.

I'm so happy because now that he's done it once, I know he'll do it again. This, by the way, is my great parenting philosophy. If they do it once, they'll do it again. If they sleep through the night once, they'll do it again. If they drink a big bottle once, they'll do it again. If they go on the potty once, they'll do it again.

Unfortunately, it works on the other side of things too. If they lie once, they'll probably lie again. If they defy you once, they'll do it again. A good reason to nip some behaviors in the bud!

We are celebrating today. I can't believe my little boy is getting so big.

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