Monday, November 7, 2011

Isaac - 5 Months

Our little Mr. Sunshine is five months old today. How can that be?

Isaac is still doing really great. He had a nasty chest cold this month (along with the rest of us), but he got it over it just fine. He also now has 2 bottom teeth. That is the soonest I've seen teeth come in for all three of my babies. Also, Isaac has learned to enjoy his cereal. He wasn't a big fan of the rice cereal (just like Alana and Peter), but seemed to like the oatmeal. I'm even thinking I'm going to start needing to give him a little more because he's eating the whole bowl within 10-15 minutes. I'm thinking that I may start some baby fruits and veggies this week with a "lunch" feeding to add to his "breakfast" and "dinner." The boys LOVES to eat! He still takes three 8 oz. bottles during the day and one 9 oz. bottle before bed.

Isaac is still sleeping well - 11 to 12 hours at night and a morning and afternoon nap as well as an evening catnap. His naps have been rocky for awhile, but I feel like he's slowly getting the hang of it. I also think the cereal is helping his daytime sleep. Isaac sleeps in his crib in the boys room at night and during his morning nap, but he's still in a pack-n-play in our room for his afternoon nap because Peter naps in their room. I'm thinking I may start moving that afternoon nap to the boys room in another month or so. They have done fine together at night and I'd like to have my room back because sometimes Mama needs a nap:)

Isaac is definitely playing a lot more. He grabs toys and of course, everything goes in his mouth. He likes to play with his hands and feet too. He rolls easily from his back to his stomach (and often sleeps on his stomach now), but not as easily from his stomach to his back. He can do it, but he hasn't completely mastered it yet. Often, he'll start crying in this playpen and it's because he rolled onto his stomach and he's tired of it and can't roll back.

Isaac is a joy. A true blessing and a reward. I am so thankful God surprised us with Mr. Laughter (the name Isaac means "laughter").

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