Saturday, February 25, 2012

All of Me

Three years ago today, we almost lost Peter. His life hung precariously in the balance for four days before things started looking better.

This song was written and sung by Matt Hammitt, lead singer for the Christian group - Sanctus Real. His son Bowen was born with Hypoplastic Left Heart Syndrome (a severe congenital heart defect) and they faced very similar cirumstances post open-heart surgery as us. This song perfectly describes my feelings three years ago, as well as today.

(I couldn't get the video to load, so you have to click on the link.)

Saturday, February 18, 2012


I'm probably I little biased, but isn't this the cutest baby face in the whole entire world?

There is such a natural friendship between boys and dogs.

Also, between boys and dog food:)

Friday, February 17, 2012

Flashback Friday (2/17/09)

Monday of this week started all our many anniversaries with Peter. I wonder if I'll ever forget the details of all those significant days?

This was after Peter's first heart catheterization. At this point, we knew we were facing a serious situation that was going to require major surgery. I remember seeing Peter in recovery after the cath and he was having trouble profusing blood to all areas of his body. He was also having trouble waking up from the anesthesia and he had no color in his body at all. I was so scared.

By the time we took these pictures (a few hours after the cath), Peter was doing much better. His color was returning and he was awake. He was fascinated with the pulse-oximeter on his thumb.

He loved this monkey that my aunt bought for him - and he still does!

I'm so glad we're three years past those days. God is faithful.

Have a wonderful weekend!

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Scripture Memory - Feb. 15 2012

I'm a little late getting back on the Scripture memory track, but better late than never!

This year, I'm focusing on some foundational Scriptures for my children - especially now that Peter can memorize with us.

Children, obey your parents in the Lord, for this is right. - Ephesians 6:1

Friday, February 10, 2012

Flashback Friday (2/10/10)

Alana was 8 and Peter had just turned 1.

Have a great weekend!

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Isaac - 8 Months

This canNOT be! My little baby is 8 months old. I just did his 7 month post and I've barely had time to think and now he's 8 months. Mothers probably say this more than anybody else, but time sure does fly........

The biggest news for Isaac at 8 months is that he is ON THE MOVE! Not full-on crawling yet, but scooting (army-crawling) to wherever he wants to go - which includes:

laundry (clean or dirty, he doesn't have a preference)

dog food


electrical wires (don't worry - he doesn't get far on that one)


dirt (I realize with having a 3-yr-old that this one doesn't wear out - crawling or not)

Although Isaac's new-found freedom makes more work for me, I'm really happy. He was getting frustrated and cranky because he wanted what he wanted and couldn't get it. He's much happier now with his newly acquired skill.

Another big change in the last month is that Isaac has found his older brother. These two can finally play together some and both of them are thrilled. Even if Isaac is just scooting all over the house, Peter will scoot right along with him. Neither one of them seem to care what they're doing, they just want to be together.

They also find each other hysterically funny. Tom, Alana and me do not get it. All they have to do is look at each other and crack up. Boys.

Being the lover of food that he is, Isaac has had some new foods recently and they were an immediate success. Since he had some diaper rash issues, I've been giving him yogurt, but the real biggie is Cheerios. He hasn't mastered picking them up and getting them into his mouth yet, but he loves it when we feed them to him. I can hardly believe this! Eight months seems young to me for Cheerios, but.... Isaac has upper and lower teeth now, so he especially loves to crunch them.

Mr. Chubbs is still a complete delight. I can't imagine life without him. I love him so much!